"There are many and good signs
of life in the Church today, especially in the new movements
and communities. I am happy that one of these, Cor et Lumen
Christi, is in this diocese in Chertsey."
Rt Rev Kieran Conry, former Bishop of Arundel and Brighton
The leadership with our Bishop Richard Moth
Highfield House
Highfield House
Our Chertsey Fraternity
Highfield House
Highfield House is the centre of the community
in the south of England , bought in 1995 from the Salesians
in Chertsey, and opened in 1996 with an inaugural mass celebrated
by our then bishop, now Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.
Highfield House is the centre for community meetings for the
Chertsey fraternity, and houses the residential members. Here
we seek to foster a deep life of prayer, worship and fellowship,
ministering the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sharing a common purse and living on Divine providence we
run retreats and conferences in and from Highfield House on
a donation only basis so that no one is deprived of the word
of God because of financial limitations.
We have a variety of courses and events that are run here or led by members of the house here and abroad.
Our events here have attracted thousands of people. These events include: The Autumn Conference, The Bible Courses and Living Word, Called to Glory, The Barnabus Course, The Charism School, The Healing School, The Prophecy School and Word Power. For the last 6 years we have also run the two day Catholic Miracle Rally in London which so far has been attended by more that 6,000 people.
We also run an outreach to young Poles in England attracting almost 3000 in the last 5 or 6 years.
Our international ministry has taken us to 22 countries in all continents ministering to more than 150,000 people.
In the last three years alone we have, by God's grace, ministered
to over 64,000 people in four continents and this is due to
rise dramatically in the next year. May God be praised!
Please see the Events page for more information on these and
many other initiatives.